Valheim Wiki

Swords is weapon class.

Swords have low knockback and low stamina cost for good damage. Sword damage is not reduced when several enemies or objects are hit by a single attack, unlike most other weapons.

List of Swords[]

Name Icon Damage Stamina (primary) Stamina (secondary) Notes
Bronze sword Bronze sword Slash: 35/53 8 16
Iron sword Iron sword Slash: 55/73 10 20
Silver sword Silver sword Slash: 75/93
Spirit: 30/45
12 24
Black Metal sword Blackmetal sword Slash: 95/113 14 28
Mistwalker Mistwalker Slash: 75/75
Frost: 40/58
Spirit: 0/15
16 32
Krom Krom Slash: 150/168 20 40 Two-handed
Nidhögg Nidhögg Slash: 135/153 16 32
Slayer Slayer Slash: 170/188 20 40 Two-handed
Dyrnwyn Dyrnwyn Slash: 145/163
Fire: 10
16 32


Attack type Stamina Range Attack speed Damage Staggering Knockback Notes
Swords (primary) 1x 2.4 m 2.46 s (1.14 + 0.44 + 0.88) 1x + 1x + 2x 1x 40 Player moves forward 0.66 m with each swing. 90 degree arc. No multitarget penalty.
Swords (secondary) 2x 2.7 m 1.84 s 3x 1x 40 Player moves forward 0.33 m. 10 degree arc.
Two-handed Swords (primary) 1x 2.6m 3.45 s (0.72 + 1.12 + 1.61) 1x + 1x + 2x 1x 55 ?. 90 degree arc.
Two-handed Swords (secondary) 2x ? 2.16 s 3x 1x 55 ?