Valheim Wiki

Creatures and players have a different movement speeds depending on whether they are walking, running, swimming or flying.

Knockback causes rapid movement of 10 m/s overwriting any existing movement on the knockback direction.

Frost Effect slows movement speed by up to 90% which gradually wears off (on average 65% reduction).



Players move 4 m/s and can rotate 300 degrees per second when walking. The speed is reduced by gear speed penalty. For example 20% speed penalty would reduce the speed to 3.2 m/s.

Walking creates noise 15 meters away.

While Encumbered, the speed is set to 2 m/s which is not affected by the speed gear penalty.


Players move 2 m/s and can rotate 300 degrees per second when sneaking. The speed is not affected by gear.

Sneaking creates no noise but drains 5 stamina per second while moving. Stamina drain is reduced by sneak skill (on average -0.75% per level, up to -75%).


Players move 7 m/s can rotate 300 degrees per second when running. The speed is reduced by gear speed penalty with 1.5x effect. For example 20% speed penalty would reduce the speed to 4.9 m/s. The speed is increased by running skill (+0.25% per level, up to +25%) which gives maximum speed of 8.75 m//s.

Running creates noise 30 meters away and drains 8 stamina per second. Stamina drain is reduced by running skill (-0.5% per level, up to -50%).

While Encumbered, running is not possible.

While in water with more than 0.4 meters depth, run speed uses the following formula:


Players move 2 m/s, accelerate 5% and can rotate 100 degrees per second when swimming. The speed is not affected by gear.

Swimming creates noise 15 meters away and drains 6 stamina per second. Stamina drain is reduced by swimming skill (-0.5% per level, up to -50%).


Creatures have different speeds for walking, running, swimming and flying. Creatures run and fly fast when alerted. All actions create the same as noice as for players.

The default ordering of creatures is roughly in the intended biome progression and can be resorted back to this using the first column. Swim acceleration is compared to the player swim acceleration.

Creature Run Turn speed Walk Walk turn Swim Swim acc Swim turn
1 Neck 5 200 1 1x 2 1x 2x
2 Boar 8 200 1.5 0.5x 2 1x 1x
3 Deer 7 200 1.5 0.4x 2 1x 1x
4 Greyling 4 200 2 1x 1.5 1x 1x
5 Eikthyr 8 100 2 1x 4 1x 0.5x
6 Greydwarf 6 200 4 1x 1.5 1x 1x
7 Greydwarf Brute 5 200 2 1x 1 1x 1x
8 Greydwarf Shaman 4 200 2 1x 1.5 1x 1x
9 Skeleton 4 300 1 1x 1 1x 1x
10 Rancid Remains 4 300 1 1x 1 1x 1x
11 Ghost 4 300 1 1x 1 1x 1x
12 Troll 6 250 3 0.4x 1.5 1x 1x
13 The Elder 6 200 3 0.5x 1.5 1x 1x
14 Root 0 200 0 1x 0 0x 1x
15 Serpent 4 20 4 1x 10 4x 1x
16 Blob 2 100 1 1x 2 1x 1x
17 Oozer 2 100 1 1x 2 1x 1x
18 Draugr 5 300 1 1x 1 1x 1x
19 Draugr Elite 6 300 1 1x 1 1x 1x
20 Leech 2 50 2 1x 3 2x 1.5x
21 Surtling 6 400 2 1x 2 1x 1x
22 Wraith 5 200 2.5 1x 1 1x 1x
23 Bonemass 4 100 2 0.5x 2 1x 1x
24 Wolf 8 200 1.5 0.5x 2 1x 1x
25 Fenring 7 200 1.5 1x 2 1x 1x
26 Drake 12 100 4 1x 1 1x 1x
27 Stone Golem 4 150 2 0.67x 1.5 1x 1x
28 Moder 6, 20 flying 60, 80 flying 4, 10 flying 1x 4 1x 0.6x
29 Deathsquito 12 500 5 1x 1 1x 1x
30 Lox 6 100 2 0.7x 3 1x 0.5x
31 Fuling 6 200 2 1x 1.5 1x 1x
32 Fuling Berserker 5 300 2 0.5x 1.5 1x 1x
33 Fuling Shaman 2 200 1 1x 1.5 1x 1x
34 Yagluth 4 50 2 1x 1.5 1x 1x