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Reason: "Duplicate/split of Flametal ore vein page, merge all information there"

Lavaiathans are passive creatures found in the Ashlands interior inside Lava. They are massive rock-type beings that have a 10% chance of submerging each time their Flametal ore vein is damaged.

Lavaiathans themselves are immovable and indestructible; only the ore nodes on their back can be destroyed by mining them. Players will need Basalt bombs to reach them in the lava.


Each Flametal ore vein segment drops the following when mined:

Item 0 Star
Flametal ore Flametal ore 3-4

See their main page for details on how to mine the ore nodes.

Each time an ore segment is hit, there is a 10% chance that the lavaiathan will be disturbed (indicated by it emitting noise). Once 20 seconds have passed after it is first disturbed, it will begin permanently submerging into the lava (accompanied by more noises). During those 20 seconds, further hits still have a 10% chance to trigger the initial noise.

It takes a maximum of 75 seconds from the start of the leviathan's submersion process until its completion; depending on the layout of the terrain and which ore segments were mined, it could disappear fully well before then. During the first few seconds it actually raises its body up higher, then slowly begins accelerating downward, eventually moving at up to roughly 0.6 m/s, then slowing down again after about 50 seconds.


Lavaiathans are spawned upon world generation and do not respawn once they have retreated below the depths of the lava.

Up to 100 attempts to spawn a Lavaiathan are made per world, within the Ashlands biome, at altitudes of 10 - 1000 m.


For strategies for mining Lavaiathans, see Passive creature strategies § Lavaiathan.


  • Flametal ore is perhaps most easily obtained from their ore deposits, as with proper equipment and skill, several stacks of ore can be mined per lavaiathan with relative ease. The other main way to obtain Flametal ore is by raiding Charred Fortresses, which typically involves the use of siege devices and fighting many enemies.

