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HUD screenshot

The HUD in Valheim

The HUD (heads-up display) is an interface overlaid onto the screen, displaying useful information to the player.

Always displayed HUD[]


  • Active items are highlighted in blue. Using a number [1-8] will equip, unequip or use the item.
  • Durability for a tool or weapon is displayed as a white bar at the bottom of its slot. If the durability runs out completely, the bar flashes red.
  • Item quantities for stack-able items are shown at the bottom of the slot.
  • Unoccupied hotbar slots after the rightmost item are not shown, hiding the hotbar entirely if there is no item at all.

Health, food, and Forsaken Power[]

  • Located in the lower left; the red bar shows the player's current Health.
  • The three boxes on the left show the currently active food, with a timer until the food runs out.
  • The icon on the right shows the current Forsaken power, and its cooldown under it.


  • The minimap shows a portion of the map centered on the player. The map is always north-oriented, with the player's rotation signified by the arrow rotating. Markers placed on the full size map will be visible on the minimap.
  • The biome the player is in is displayed in the top right.
  • The wind direction is shown by the arrow in the bottom left. Wind strength isn't indicated.

Temporarily displayed HUD[]

Stamina bar[]

  • Located in the lower center of the screen; displays the current amount of stamina the player has available.
  • Only appears when stamina isn't full, and fades away shortly after it fully replenishes.

Status effects[]

  • Located to the left of the minimap, displays currently active Status effects and their duration.
  • Some effects are based on the immediate situation of the player (Such as Shelter, Fire, and Resting), and have no duration. Others have a cooldown, such as Rested or mead effects.

Control hints[]

  • Located in the bottom right corner, provides information about how to use the currently equipped item, as well as other actions.

Boss health bar[]

  • Shows the name and health of boss during a boss fight, if within range of the boss.

Stagger indicator[]

Stagger Bar
  • Located to the right of the crosshair, this bar fills as you take physical or lightning damage. If the bar fills to the top, the stagger limit is reached and the player receives stagger.

Creature HUD[]


Awareness icon

  • Aiming at a creature in range will display their name, health bar, and star difficulty.
  • The health bar is red for hostile and passive creatures, and green for friendly creatures (such as tamed animals or unprovoked Dvergr).
  • Stars shown under the health bar indicate a rare, stronger variant of a creature.
  • An awareness indicator is shown above the name, displaying their current awareness in regards to the player (in the case of tamed creatures, to hostile creatures as well).
Awareness Icon Description
None The creature is unaware of the player. Any damage dealt is multiplied by the weapon's backstab multiplier (which is usually x3).
Yellow Awareness Yellow
  • The creature is aware of the player's presence, aggressive creatures will start searching and passive creatures will get more attentive.
  • At this point an attack from an aggressive creature can still be avoided by escaping the area without getting spotted; fleeing of passive creatures can be avoided in a similar fashion.
  • Any damage dealt is multiplied by the weapon's backstab multiplier (which is usually x3).
Red Awareness Red The creature has spotted the player, aggressive creatures will start attacking and passive creatures will flee.