Valheim Wiki

Factions determine which creatures are hostile to each other.

  • Creatures never attack the same creature (even when one of them is tamed).
  • Creatures in the same faction never attack each other (except when one of them is tamed).
  • Bosses are allied with all other factions except player faction (Which only include the player characters and tamed animals).
  • Undead and demons are allies.
  • As of patch 0.217.46, Hare is the only mob in the game in the Animal faction.
  • Mistlands and Dvergr factions are not hostile to the Animal faction (It's to be assumed the former are allied to the latter in this case)
  • Tamed creatures never attack other tamed creatures, players or the same creature.
Creature Faction Can be tamed?
Player character Player
Tamed animal Player
Boar Forest Yes
Deer Forest
Greyling Forest
Neck Forest
Eikthyr Boss
Ghost Undead
Greydwarf Forest
Greydwarf brute Forest
Greydwarf shaman Forest
Rancid remains Undead
Skeleton Undead
Troll Forest
The Elder Boss
Root Boss
Abomination Undead
Blob Undead
Draugr Undead
Draugr elite Undead
Leech Undead
Oozer Undead
Surtling Demon
Wraith Undead
Bonemass Boss
Drake Mountain
Fenring Mountain
Stone Golem Forest
Wolf Mountain Yes
Cultist Mountain
Ulv Mountain
Moder Boss
Deathsquito Plains
Fuling Plains
Fuling Berserker Plains
Fuling shaman Plains
Growth Undead
Lox Plains Yes
Yagluth Boss
Chicken Forest Yes
Gjall Mistlands
Hare Animal
Seeker Mistlands
Seeker Brood Mistlands
Seeker Soldier Mistlands
Tick Mistlands
The Queen Boss
Dvergr Dvergr
Serpent Sea
Asksvin Demon Yes
Bonemaw Demon
Charred Demon
Fallen Valkyrie Demon
Lava Blob Demon
Lord Reto Demon
Morgen Demon
Volture Demon
Fader Boss