Valheim Wiki

The crude bow is the first bow. Its primary attack fires arrows. Charging the attack increases accuracy, damage and velocity of the arrow. It does not have a secondary attack.

It is highly inaccurate, even at full draw, so some players prefer hunting with a Flint spear instead, which has a lower range but higher accuracy.

Upgrade information[]

Quality 1 2 3 4
Pierce 22 25 28 31
Durability 50 100 150 200
Crafting 10 Wood
8 Leather scraps
5 Wood
4 Leather scraps
1 Deer hide
10 Wood
8 Leather scraps
2 Deer hide
15 Wood
12 Leather scraps
3 Deer hide
Workbench level 1 2 3 4


  • The crude bow makes hunting deer much easier.