The cartography table was added in the Hearth & Home update. It is a table available in the build (hammer) menu that allows you to share your map and markers with another player.
One end of the table has a map, allowing players to add data to their own map, and the other end has a box to record their own discoveries onto the communal map. Map data discovered through the cartography table can be distinguished from self-discovered data on the map and can be easily turned off.
Cartography table pins[]
The last person that updates the table will have their markers on the map. This is so the table doesn’t save every single marker people have placed.
When you have some copied pins on your map, they will appear dark-gray. But left-click the mouse on them and they will turn white and they will then be added to your markers.
You can toggle which type of markers you will see on the map. Right-click on them on the right side of the map GUI and you can toggle the groups on/off.[1]