Valheim Wiki

The antler pickaxe is the first pickaxe. It can be used to mine stone, copper, tin, muddy scrap piles, and abyssal barnacles.

Its primary attack is a melee attack that destroys ground. It does not have a secondary attack.


Quality 1
Pierce 18
Mining 18
Durability 100
Crafting 10 Wood
1 Hard antler
Workbench level 1


  • Despite its description, the antler pickaxe is the weakest pickaxe in the game. However, it is sufficient for mining iron.
  • When the antler pickaxe is acquired, Hugin will say, "Now go forth and strike the earth!" This is a reference to the new game message in the game, Dwarf Fortress.
  • Due to being repairable at a workbench, the antler pickaxe might be preferable to the bronze pickaxe in some situations.
  • The attack hitbox reaches below the player's feet, which provides the ability to dig down. When mining, this can easily activate the 33% damage penalty that is incurred when hitting the ground.